5 Fashion item That Can Be Damaging To Your Health

5 Fashion item That Can Be Damaging To Your Health

It’s great to look good in the latest fashion and show off your best brands where you can, but is it worth the price if the item of clothing you’re wearing is damaging your health? What may seem as a harmless garment could actually be negatively impacting your health.Here are 5 everyday fashion items that could be doing just that to your physical health.

Tight Pants

Skinny fit legwear has become a seriously popular fashion trend over the years as people steer away from the likes of flares and boot-cut style jeans. However, due to just how tight they can be made there can be many problems that it can cause. These can include the following:

  • Poor blood circulation
  • Dilating veins
  • Slow digestion
  • Numbness
  • Pain in the thighs
  • Irritation

All of these can lead to short and long term health problems, so next time you’re looking to purchase some skinny jeans, make sure they’re safe as well as comfy.

Heavy Accessories

Ear piercings are popular procedures for both men and women, but they can be easily prone to infection. Not only this, but incorrectly performed procedures can also put your life at risk in the future. Even if the procedure was performed correctly and there was no risk of infection, wearing large and heavy earrings can damage your earlobes. This can require surgery in the future.


A form of clothing that can be rather common for health problems in men are ties. They’re mainly used for formal wear events and corporate businesses. The issue is that men tend to purchase shirts that are too small for their neck and have their tie knots too tight.

This can reduce blood flow, increase pressure on neck nerves, cause headaches and limit neck movement which can be discomforting. This can require thyroid support in the future to ease the pain in the neck.

Flip Flops

Although it’s an essential item for your holiday itinerary and the beach, flip-flops aren’t as safe for you as you think. Their biggest risk is that they can easily cause cutting on your toes which will be prone to infection. For women, as they’re an extremely flat form of footwear, switching to heeled items can cause your heels to hit the ground harder which can cause long term back problems.

Large Handbags

Fashionably, handbags seem to be growing in size which means more space to put items in there. Carrying a heavy load on one shoulder can be rather damaging to your posture, muscles and joints, however. Particularly for muscle issues, you’ll soon find yourself resulting to digestive health supplements to ease the pain. If you’re still really desperate to carry around your favourite handbag, reduce the number of items that you carry in there so it’s not too strenuous on your joints and muscles.



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